Output files

The ICARE output data files are stored in the project_name.gid folder.

Output files are of 2 kinds : results ASCII files and GiD readable files.

Results ASCII files

results.txt : main steps of the computation and important results (input impedance, VSWR, s-matrix, directivity...)

intermediate_results.txt : debugging informations

near_field.txt : near field

rcs.txt : radar cross section

far_field_Eteta_phi.txt : far field pattern

directivity.txt : maximum gain (of an antenna) for each operating frequency

Zin_VSWR.txt : input impedance (of an antenna) for each operating frequency

Z_matrix.txt : impedance matrix of a set of antennas

S_matrix.txt : coupling matrix of a set of antennas

Note : most of theses files should be self explanatory. If it is not the case, please contact IEEA.

GiD files

ICARE generates two output files for 3D results visualization in GiD :

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